Charles Paschal was Arrested in Florida on November 30, 2001

Charles Paschal

Charles Paschal was Arrested November 30, 2001

Date of Birth: 08/12/1980
Arrested: November 30, 2001
Booking #: 520397
ReleaseDate:01/01/2010 00:00

Other Charles Paschal Arrest Records.

Record and Image Notice: The photograph and accompanying arrest information, including the arrest date of 11/30/2001, and booking ID 520397, relating to Charles Paschal, are derived from public records and have been obtained by us. We endeavor to ensure the reliability of the information, which represents the data known at the arrest time. It is important to understand that being arrested does not equate to guilt, and the eventual legal outcome may alter the current status. The inclusion of someone's arrest record and photo on our platform is not an indication of their guilt, and we uphold the principle that every individual is presumed innocent until proven guilty by law. We are committed to keeping this information as current and accurate as possible, and it may be revised if new and verified information comes to light.

Also ArrestedNovember 30, 2001